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  • Sallie Rodriguez

All-in for a Food Experience

TEDx­Can­berra 2016 fea­tures some of the most inspir­ing indi­vidu­als from the nation’s cap­ital. While the speak­ers will provide plenty of food for thought, we know that it is just as import­ant to keep hungry tum­mies fed! Led by Founder and Editor of Eat Can­berra Amelia Bid­good, the TEDx­Can­berra food exper­i­ence team has pre­pared an excep­tional selec­tion of local food that is sure to inspire attendees to go ALL IN and dig in.

“Canberra’s food scene has really boomed in the past few years…there are so many people in the com­munity who are pas­sion­ate about food and sup­port­ing local busi­nesses,” Amelia says. With loc­ally sourced pro­duce made with pas­sion and love, the busi­nesses that TEDx­Can­berra has partnered with this year will show­case the best food that Can­berra has to offer. So, without fur­ther ado, here is a little sneak peek of the deli­cious food you can expect at TEDx­Can­berra 2016.

Mr. Papa

If you’ve always wanted to try Per­uvian street food, then look no fur­ther than Mr. Papa! Tucked away in Braddon’s The Ham­let, this small food truck has blessed Can­berra with incred­ible dishes and authen­tic fla­vours from South Amer­ica. Founder Car­los Ramirez-Roldan and his team are ded­ic­ated to give TEDx­Can­berra attendees a genu­ine taste of Peru.

“We are look­ing at show­cas­ing exactly what you’d find in Peru’s street food…it’s a com­bin­a­tion of local pro­duce and dif­fer­ent ingredi­ents from South Amer­ica,” Car­los says. Already a local favour­ite, Mr. Papa is sure to please the crowds at TEDx­Can­berra. “Per­uvian food is all about tra­di­tion, bring­ing smiles, and shar­ing the love,” says Car­los.

With a deli­cious menu fea­tur­ing dishes from Ques­itos and Chica Finas to a vari­ety of Per­uvian style juices, TEDx­Can­berra attendees are def­in­itely in for a deli­cious treat. Mr. Papa also offers glu­ten free and Halal options to cater to all diets. To find out more, visit and fol­low @mrpapa_au on Twit­ter and Ins­tagram.

Burra Berkshires

Loc­ated just out­side of Can­berra, this award win­ning pas­ture pork farm has been breed­ing and grow­ing free range Berkshire pigs since 2009. Through envir­on­ment­ally sus­tain­able farm­ing meth­ods, eth­ical animal health and wel­fare corner­stones, and an on site Farm­stead Butchery, own­ers Lauran and Lach­lan Math­ers are able to pro­duce only the highest qual­ity of pork.

Serving up a deli­cious selec­tion of pork, beef, and vegan sliders along­side some refresh­ing homemade lem­on­ade, TEDx­Can­berra attendees will get a spe­cial chance to enjoy local, home grown pro­duce like never before. Burra Berkshires also offers a range of glu­ten free and Halal options to cater to all diet­ary needs.

Black Magic Cof­fee

No TEDx­Can­berra event is com­plete without some deli­cious cof­fee and tea. For attendees look­ing for a little caf­feine kick, a selec­tion of hot drinks will be avail­able for pur­chase at one of two cof­fee carts by Canberra’s Black Magic Cof­fee. Reusable cof­fee cups are more than wel­come! Check out their web­site at

As food exper­i­ence man­ager, Amelia has planned for attendees to exper­i­ence only the best of Canberra’s food scene. “I wanted to cre­ate a com­munity feel with a food fest­ival atmo­sphere and include local busi­nesses who use local pro­duce. This fits with the ‘all in’ theme for TEDx Can­berra this year and I’m excited to see it all come together,” she says.

With a full day of TED talks and deli­cious food ahead, Amelia advises attendees to have fun, enjoy the day, and take lots of pho­tos! “We want to see your foodie pho­tos!” she says.

Make sure to tag @TEDxCanberra and @eatcanberra on Ins­tagram, Face­book and Twit­ter, and use the hashtag #eat­can­berra.

To find out more about Amelia and Eat Can­berra visit their web­site, or fol­low on Insta, Face­book andTwit­ter.



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